Who Needs Preventative Care? Everyone!

The truth is that preventative screenings, such as breast exams, cervical and colon cancer screenings, and prostate exams, are important for everyone, no matter your gender identity.

Gender inclusivity - respecting and supporting a person's gender identity - in these screenings is essential. Everyone deserves access to affirming and inclusive healthcare for early detection and intervention. 

Some examples of preventative health exams are:

  • Breast exams: These exams check your breasts for lumps or other changes that could be signs of breast cancer.

  • Cervical cancer screenings: These tests look for abnormal cells in your cervix. Cervical cancer can affect anyone who has a cervix.

  • Colon cancer screenings: These are tests that look for polyps or cancer in your colon, which is the large intestine.

These exams can help you stay healthy and find problems early when they may be easier to treat. They can also help you learn your risk factors and how to lower them.

Our health providers recommend scheduling an annual exam. Preventative health exams are part of caring for your body and health.

Are you up to date on your preventative care?